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Istanbuletik abiatzen gara Parisera Orient Express luxuzko trenean, zoragarria! Espero dut bidaia lasaia izatea eta denok pieza batetik eta hilketarik gabe iristea, dama idazle batek istorio batzuk kontatuko banizkizue!

Oso bidaiari bereziak ditugu trenean, planetako gizonik aberatsenak, Sherman senatari iparramerikarrarekin bilduta. Montatu daitekeena! Haien tentsioak oilar-borroka baten bidez bideratzea erabaki dugu, eta arrakasta handia izan du, hainbesteraino, ezen idatziz utzi nahi baititugu borrokatu diren errimarik interesgarrienak, baina ezetz asmatu! Desordenatu egin gaituzte! Hasiera daukagu, baina besterik ez, berrantolatzea dagokizue, jakinda lauko bertsotan doazela eta errimak modu egokian garatzea lortu behar duzuela. "Baroi lapurrak" hasten ziren bertso hauetan, eta gero Shermanen erantzuna jarraituz. Dena ingelesez dago, baina mundu handiko pertsonak zaretela jakinda, ziur hizkuntza ez dela arazo bat. Ordena itzazue ahapaldiak guduaren kode osoa lortzeko, eta gero, rapea, rapea!

Cornelius Vanderbilt.jpg
Andrew Carnegie.jpg
J.P. Morgan.jpg
John Sherman.jpg

A) Even you call us Lapurrak,

don´t consider us Maltzurrak.

We are eating our Bratwursts,

While we plan so easy our Trust,

Aha aha


C) Taking care about this is my must,

I am going to make you eat the dust.

I will bring the Standard Oil,

To the Courts you mommy spoiled


F) Don´t tell us how to exploit the soil,

I control how to move gasoil.

My company cares about transport,

That has become our funniest sport.


B) If you go on I´ll take your passport,

From America I will you disport.

This way to create so many holding,

Is just to end, back to free trading.

D) Oh can´t you see your time are wasting,

Monopolize mean understanding.

That we protect the world’s consumers,

Reducing all the prices numbers.


E) Oh funny words from you presumers,

All those wrong practices exhumers.

The small companies I will protect,

You won´t treat them as an insect.


G) But we already talk direct,

For our cartels to connect.

For the business always hungry,

Never too fill our pantry.


H) The story is hallucinatory,

So as my judge disciplinary.

Say bye-bye to your monopolies,

The Sherman Law is the new story,


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